The question now, in all of you is: how do we achieve to excel and become masters of this scarce commodity! Is it really a virtue that is predestined, or you can work your way towards it. To find out, you have to check out the book "Passion for Excellence". Its a Gem jam packed with inspirational and motivational nuggets that will drive you towards the mastery of Excellence. I was once talking to one potential reader of my book, she said: stop blowing your own trumpets. Allow us to read and then tell you how good the book is. Well, I asked her: If I buy a Vhuvhuzela, do I need some people to tell me how loud it sounds or I blow it myself. Thats the confidence that I have in "Passion for Excellence". Shamwari, if you want to excel in life get that book. Recently I went into one of the most prominent bookshops in Harare, Zimabbwe. I went to one of the book shelfs and before I could touch any book, this young man literary begged me, pointing to a certain book. He said, "Sir, please buy this book! It has changed my life. You will not regret it. Please buy it!" I looked closely at him and said, do you know whom you are talking to? He said, no. I said, "I am the author of that book". The young man way very impressed and amazed. He said, "This book is a msterpiece". To cut a long story short, if you have a library, put "Passion for Excellence in your library".
Right: How do you achieve excellence? In simple words: You buy a book called "Passion for Excellence, then read it". Issue resolved.
I know you need straight answers. In a summary, to achieve excellence:
1. define your standards. clearly define what your vision is. That which you want to achieve and excel at. Be clear about it.
2. Put your whole heart to pursue that vision. Do not sleep nor slumber. Be stubbornly fixed to your purpose. Even if no immediate results seem to be appearing remain resolute. God will reward your persistence.
3. Do not shift your goalposts. Remain consistent in your performance no matter how unsatisfying the results are to you.
4. Now continue identifying the weak points in your perfomance and efforts. Weed out the weaknesses, reinforce your strengths. master your strengths and harness your skills. You have committed to this thing. It is you who is the most beneficiary. It does not matter even if you do not get any accolades, pats on the back or no golden handshakes, you are the man!
5. Be strategic minded always. Be a master at priorities! Eliminate time wasters. Eliminate the unimportant and trivial issues from your time. Time is a non-renewable resource. Once its used up, you will not get it again. All have the same hours, minutes and seconds given to us by God, but some achieve more, why? They have mastered the game of prioritisation. Don't just do things absent mindedly, think first.
6. Put your whole heart, mind, soul, skill and intelligence to all that you do. Not to always re-do. You are destined to be the best in your field, so please do not ashame us: You are the best doctor, best engineer, best teacher, best cleaner, best pastor... Whatever your field is, but if only you will put in the time and commitment that is needed. No one excelled or slept their way into riches. Definitely, you will never earn the accolades through procrastination, always making excuses to failing to meet targets, deadlines and to perform. My friend, yours is the most important task that we have here on earth, are you going to blow away that opportunity. You definitely have not come here on earth to just occupy space, finish resources for others 'nekupedzera vamwe mweya wekufema' then after that wongoenda muguva. Zvongonzi kufa zvarova. No, no, no. You are more than that. You are the man, the woman that this generation has been witing for. Rise up to the occasion. You are the master of excellence. Repeat that with an attitude! You can feel it in your bones now.
7. Excellence is shut up in your bones, in your brains. Will you unleash it today. Will you unleash it always. Live as if you are the person who have been send by God to save this world. You are here for a purpose! You are not a nobody! Develop a passion for excellence! A passion to achieve results! A passion to perform! A passion to make a difference!
I guess somebody got something! Till we meet again!
I tell you, I tell you! You are the man / woman that you have been will waiting for all along! You are the master of excellence! You just need to consciously put your all in all, in all that you do! Always! Finally, don't forget to buy "Passion for Excellence" from the boostore nearest to you.!/pages/Passion-For-Excellence/119675511411163?ref=ts
Yaa, ndizvo chaizvo!